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Angola Brazil Friendship Day 2011

Globo Networks International, in partnership with Zimbo TV and Promangol, on October, 15, 2011, promoted the thrid edition of “Angola Brazil Friendship Day”, in Angola. TV anchor Luciano Huck was the MC in this event that gathered 20 thousand people at Coqueiros Stadium, in Luanda.

The main musical attraction was Singer Waqndo’s show, Who opened the night and marveled the audience with his romantic repertory including hits such as “Fire and Passion” and “Apple Taste”. Also singer Sandra de Sá performed for Angolans for the first time; she chose the song “Africa” to pay tribute to African continent.

Among local attractions were present singer Pérola, who made a special entrance along with Sandra de Sá for “Colored Eyes”; Kina Ku Moxi ensemble and Anselmo Ralph, the most popular singer in Angola, who closed the “Friendship Day” celebrations with golden key.

Inova.tv was responsible for the visuals on 5 LED screens that were onstage during the whole show!

Crew “Angola Brazil Friendship Day”:

Director: Jodele Larcher
Executive Producer: Lucilia Coelho
Director: Guigga Tomaz
Production Team: Rodrigo Mendes and Kelly Toledano