Walking VideoAtaq – Campinas City
Travelling VideoAtaq performed in Campinas, São Paulo State, where one more mapping attraction was accomplished supported by Campinas City Hall and Sesc. Instant Festival [EXPERIENCE/HAPPENING IN ART AND TECHNOLOGY] for the first time gathered works by 22 artists and art collectives that challenge sensorial perception. Besides the performances, the program also count on workshops, round tables and audiovisual performances.
On September, 26, to open the night, Jodele Larcher (AzoiaLab) and Guigga Tomaz (#FolkatruaVJS) presented the guerrilla interference “Homemáquina” (Manmachine). The projected video reinterpreted the relation ship between man and machine, meaning that technological progress has radically changed our habits, invading our everyday life. Thus, the ancient clash man x machine being overcome, both fuse together in one single whole.
Some pictures of the presentation:
Crew “Travelling VideoAtaq – Campinas”
Direction and Art: Jodele Larcher e Guigga Tomaz
Production: Ateliê Aberto