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2012 Orilaxé Awards

On the night of 14th February 2012, at VIVO RIO, took place the 12th Edition of Orilaxé Awards, organized by Afroreggae, directed by Roberto Talma. Artists, politicians, entrepreneurs, community people, athletes, ex-bandits, policemen and people from the most varied tribes got together to celebrate Sexual Diversity, a theme that appeared on setting, ambiance and attractions.

The sixteen award categories were announced together with texts, songs, poems, short sotries, novels, films, etc, that approached the multiple theme possibilities in a thrilling way. The videos had, besides José Meyer, locution by Mariana Ximenes, Cissa Guimarães, Guti Fraga, Jorge mautner, Paulinho Moska and mega drag queen Rogéria. The night MCs were rapper Marcello Silva and actress Carolina Ferraz.

The attractions at 12th Orilaxe Awards were outstanding. Paralmas do Sucesso made the crowd dance with their hits “Uma Brasileira”, and “Lourinha Bombril”, while Preta Gil came up with “Tempos Modernos”, “Quando um certo alguém” and “stereo”. Orilaxe also made room for unforgettable performances by Luiz Salém, who sang “Je ne regrette rien”, by Edith Piaff, and he joined with Aloísio de Abreu in an homage to a 70’s icon travestis ensemble, Dzi Croquettes, with participations by three Dzi, Ciro Barcelos, Claudio Tovar and Bayard Tonelli with the Afroreggae dancers (GCAR). Jorge Fernando also made his act

Inova.tv was in charge of the 36 minutes TV show that was broadcasted by GNT Channel, documenting the whole story of the event.


2012 Orilaxé Awards
Director: Roberto Talma
Director: Jodele Larcher
Production: Lucília Coelho
Ass. Director: Guigga Tomaz, Sílvia Sobral and Kelly Toledano